Run forest run

What does it mean when someone says Run Forest Run?

In Forrest Gump, little Forrest, wearing leg braces, was being bullied by the other kids from school and while he was wondering whether to run or fight (make that, run or get the crap beaten out of him by the bullies) his small, female friend, yelled at him, “Run, Forrest. Run!”

Who says Run Forrest Run?

This quote is spoken by Young Jenny Curran, played by Hanna R. Hall, in Forrest Gump (directed by Robert Zemeckis, 1994). Young Forrest Gump was born with a crooked back, so his doctor (who is either an idiot or just as crooked as Forrest's back) forces him to wear leg braces… because that makes sense.

Where does Run Forrest Run Come From?

"Run, Forrest, Run!" is a meme that originated from the movie, Forrest Gump. When the bullies were chasing Forrest, Jenny started yelling, "run, forrest, run!" and this helped Forrest run faster away from the bullies. This eventually led Forrest being able to run across the country many times when he was an adult.

What movie is Run Forrest Run?

Forrest GumpRun Forrest Run / Movie

Why did Jenny say Run Forrest Run?

One day, a group of bullies were throwing rocks at Forrest, and one of them cut his forehead. Jenny told Forrest, "Run Forrest run!", which he did, only to prompt the bullies to chase him on their bikes. As Forrest struggled to run, his leg braces broke apart.

Is Forrest Gump based on a true story?

The film won six Oscars and is endlessly quotable — but what you might not know is that the character of Forrest Gump was loosely inspired by three real men.

Is Forrest Gump true story?

The film won six Oscars and is endlessly quotable — but what you might not know is that the character of Forrest Gump was loosely inspired by three real men.

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